What is Garry's Mod?
Garry's Mod is a sandbox game developed by Garry Newman on the source engine. Players can manipulate almost anything with the physgun, remove or add new properties and entities with the tool gun and mold their own game, limited only by imagination.
Why should I get it?
It is one of the best games ever made, it has a lot of replay value with tons of skins, maps, game modes and many more. If you have any source game on Steam, you will be able to mount them and mess around with the assets, props and more! You will find a vibrant and talented community, with an average of +30K players active everyday. Should you build your own flying bathtub and explore the depths of gm_construct 13 beta? Well, the decision is in your hands, what are you waiting for?
Can I play with my friends?
Yes! This is one of the best games to play with your buddies. Don't have one? Go find a server and meet new people from around the world!
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